Be a Volunteer

What is the purpose of the Cooperative?
A cooperative always starts with an economic objectivebecause it is meant to address an economic need. However, it does not stop there. People do not decide to work together in the cooperative only to acquire goods and services. By identifying with a group, real members gradually develop a sense of community. By participating I the affairs of the cooperative, they create conditions for greater social consciousness. One indication the cooperative has reached this stage is when it undertakes programs that promote the well-being of all members and eventually programs that contribute to the development of the larger community.(Fundamentals of Cooperative, MASS-SPECC, ICS 2014)
As a member of BCS CREDIT COOPERATIVE, let us aim for greater social consciousness.

Render voluntary services to the Cooperative by or through the following:

  • During general assemblies or area meetings
  • Facilitate/handle member related awareness and growth trainings
  • Share the cooperative movement to non-members
  • Any rendered free services to the cooperative is given three(3) points on membership classification point system

BE A VOLUNTEER, let us know…

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