Retirees or Pensioner members of the cooperative may avail of this credit assistance created for them. This product encourages them to pursue and engage in any entreprenurial activities that they will enjoy doing after many years of being employed.

Product Features:
Minimum loanable amount of 5,000.00 & maximum of 300,000.00
Maximum loanable amount must not exceed 70% of monthly pension.

Interest Rate is at 18% per annum.

Loan Term is dependent on the age of the borrower. Minimum of 6 months
maximum of 24 months. Principal and Interest is paid on a monthly basis.

Acceptable collaterals are pensioner’s ATM Card /Passbook w/ pre-signed withdrawal slip.
Requires hard collateral if loan amount is more than P70,000.

Share Capital retention is 6% of the approved loan amount and
Loan insurance shouldered by the member.

Because we CARE for you.

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